Sunday Morning Worship

9:00 a.m. Traditional Service
9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Kids' Church
for ages K - 5th grade

11:00 a.m. Modern Service
Nursery availabe for 6 years and under
Vision Statement
To know Him and to make Him known.

Read Through Bible In 1 Year

Through The Bible In One Year is an adaptable spiritual growth program to help individuals, groups, and congregations grow closer to God and stronger in their faith lives through sustained immersion in the whole Bible.  The Bible promises:   "Draw near to God, and God will draw near to you."  Through The Bible In One Year offers a number of avenues for growth in God's Word that can be used alone or in combination.   A special blessing is gained by experiencing the entire sweep of God's actions in history by reading the whole Bible.  By immersing yourself in the whole of scripture steadily, your relationship with God will be strenghtened as you come to recognize his leading in your life through his Word.  The scriptures themselves will become more and more understandable as one part illumines another, increasing the impact in your spirit and life.
The heart of Through The Bible In One Year is reading Daily Scripture Selections. By reading the suggested scripture selections for just 20 minutes a day you will read through the whole Bible in one year.  By reading 10 minutes a day, you can read through either the Old Testament or the New Testament in one year.  Pick whichever Bible translation you prefer and begin at day one, reading the suggested selections every day.
For further growth in God's Word as an individual, use the Daily Devotional Compansion as you read the appointed scriptures each day.  The Daily Devotional Companion has reflection questions and a prayer based on each day's appointed Old and New Testament readings, so it is helpful whether you are reading in the whole Bible or just the Old or New Testament.
For yet deeper spiritual growth in God's Word, read through the Bible together with a spiritual friend, a Sunday School class, or a group of fellow believers using Weekly Small Group and Sunday School Class Lessons provided.  These weekly lessons will help start discussion and maximize your growth through small group interaction. Remember that Christ promised his speical presence when he said:  "Whenever two or three get together in my name, there I am in the midst of them."
Fourth, whole congregations can benefit by reading Through The Bible In One Yeartogether.  In addition to doing the daily readings and using the Devotional Companion as individuals, whole churches can use the Weekly Worship Scripture Selections to link together the daily readings, Small Group or Sunday School lessons, and the Sunday Worship and message.  Churches that customarily follow a lectionary (a set series of appointed readings for every Sunday of the church year) are encouraged to consider using Through The Bible in One Year as their lectionary for the year, while maintaining the integrity of the liturgical church year by using the usual appointed lectionary scripture lessons for the major church festivals like Easter, Christmas, and Pentecost.
Practical Tips for Getting The Most are provided so individuals get the best possible blessings from Through The Bible In One Year.  These include helpful suggestions on meditative readings, prayer preparation, and more.
Under the Resources section, you will find helpful resources to launch and run a Through The Bible In One Year church-wide program.  Resources provided will ultimately include, Sunday message PowerPoint presentations, forms and letters to help introduce the program to a congregation, links to One Year resources, and more.
God's promise is sure:  "If you continue in my word, then you are truly my disciples. You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free!"   May God bless your pilgrimage Through The Bible In One Year