Sunday Morning Worship

9:00 a.m. Traditional Service
9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Kids' Church
for ages K - 5th grade

11:00 a.m. Modern Service
Nursery availabe for 6 years and under
Vision Statement
To know Him and to make Him known.

REGISTER TODAY for Kroger "Community Rewards" Program! 

You can help Hebron Lutheran Church by registering your Kroger Plus card online in the Kroger “Community Rewards”  program.  Upon enrolling, when you shop at Kroger a percentage of your purchase total will be donated to Hebron Lutheran Church.  This does not affect your gas points or cash back reward.  It is simply a donation by Kroger to Hebron Lutheran Church.   Kroger has a maximum of $50,000 per year to any one non-profit organization.  Let’s set our goal high…$50,000!  Please consider registering your card to help Hebron Lutheran.  And tell your friends, neighbors, and relatives to register also!

  1.  When you go online have your Kroger Plus card handy.

2.  Go to

3.  Sign into your account or create an account if you do not already have one.

4.  Click on "Enroll Now".
5.  On the "Find Your Organization age, use HLC's organization #AY855 (or seach for Hebron Lutheran Church and click "Enroll".

6.  To verify you are enrolled correctly you will see Hebron Lutheran Church’s name on the right side of your information page.  When shopping you must swipe your registered Kroger Plus card or use the phone number that is related to your  registered Kroger Plus card in order for each purchase to count for the donation to Hebron Lutheran.  If you use your phone number at the register and do not know your Kroger Plus card number, call 800-576-4377 and select option 4 to get your card number so you can register it online connecting it to Hebron Lutheran Church for the Kroger donation.